extrinsic coagulation

美 [eksˈtrɪnzɪk koʊˌæɡjuˈleɪʃn]英 [eksˈtrɪnzɪk kəʊˌæɡjuˈleɪʃn]
  • 网络外源性凝血
extrinsic coagulationextrinsic coagulation
  1. Endothelial cell injury and the changes of extrinsic coagulation mechanism in elderly patients on maintenance hemodialysis


  2. Conclusions There is more or less activation of extrinsic coagulation pathway in any kind of IHD .


  3. Its mechanism may be related to the increase of coagulation through the intrinsic and extrinsic coagulation Pathway , removing blood stasis and anti-inflammatory effect .


  4. We have a preliminary conclusion that the procoagulant mechanism may activate many kinds of cruor factor in endogenous coagulation and extrinsic coagulation .


  5. Recent researches show the extrinsic coagulation correlates to many pathological progress , such as the inflammation reaction ; atherosclerosis ; cancer genesis and metastasis , et al .


  6. Thrombin , an important coagulation factor , is located in the common pathway of the intrinsic and extrinsic coagulation pathways . It is crucial for the activition of coagulation system .


  7. As a physiological anticoagulant , the tissue factor pathway inhibitor , namely the physiological inhibitor of the extrinsic coagulation pathway in the initial step is closely associated with ischemic cerebrovascular diseases .


  8. PT of the three membranes have no difference ( P0.05 ), not statistically significant , indicating that the anticoagulant the antithrombotic modified membrane does not affect the extrinsic coagulation pathway . 5 .


  9. In the pathogenesis of cardiovascular disease ( CAD ), EMP can initiates coagulation through the extrinsic coagulation pathway , form a polymeride with the platelet , thus can promote the generation of thrombus and fibrin ;


  10. Conclusions There exists abnormally activated hyper-coagulation state in patients with AMI and patients with UAP . TF is recognized as the initial trigger of the extrinsic coagulation pathway which plays a critical role in the pathogenesis of coronary thrombosis .


  11. Tissue factor ( TF ), a receptor on the cell surface of factor VII as well as a coactive factor to activate factor VII , plays an essential role in hemostasis through the activation of the intrinsic and extrinsic coagulation pathways simultaneously .


  12. Stability of extrinsic blood coagulation cascade dynamic system


  13. Conclusion : The hemostatic mechanism of Fu Yan Ke Granule is to stimulate the intrinsic and extrinsic blood coagulation system .


  14. Conclusion : The main hemostatic mechanism of Fubao capsule was to stimulate the intrinsic and extrinsic blood coagulation system and to inhibit fibrinolysis system .


  15. Human tissue factor pathway inhibitor ( TFPI ) is a native specific inhibitor of extrinsic pathway of coagulation in vivo .


  16. The antithrombotic effect of low molecular weight fucoidan mainly increase extrinsic and endogenous coagulation pathway , active fibrinolytic system , inhibit platelet aggregation by platelet and vascular metabolism pathway of arachidonic acid .


  17. Study of Relationships between Extrinsic Route of Blood Coagulation with Endothelial Cell Injury and Acute Myocardial Infarction


  18. Conclusions The extrinsic route of blood coagulation is related to endothelial cell injury and atherosclerosis .


  19. Extrinsic route of blood coagulation ;


  20. Human blood coagulation factor ⅶ( F ⅶ) is a vitamin K-dependent , single-chain glycoprotein that participates in the extrinsic phase of blood coagulation .
